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Just Tool

鼠标右键选择新建连接打开图片即可保存图片,但是格式不确定,可能是png或者Webp,这时候需要格式转换, 链接: 1. 选择本地文件或者图片链接, 2. 选择格式, 3. 设置尺寸 4. 转换, 5. 转换完成之后在转换结果中会有转好的文件,点击下载, 6. 跳转到另外一个网页,然后点击文件链接,会跳转到图片的网页, 7. 进入之后鼠标右键点击图片,将图片另存为即可。 享用吧!

English: Right mouse button select New Link to open the picture, then Save Picture As to save the picture, but the format of the saved picture is not sure, it may be png or Webp, then you need to convert the format. Link: 1. select the local file or image link. 2. select the format 3. set the size 4. Convert the file 5. when the conversion is complete, the converted file will be available in the conversion results, click on download. 6. go to another web page and click on the file link to be redirected to the image page. 7. Once inside, right click on the image and save the image as. Enjoy!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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